Girl Vibes
In a world where girls are striving for Instagram perfection, where teen suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in teens and depression is more common than not, we are on a mission to take back our youth one girl at a time. Our mission is to challenge, motivate and influence young girls and teens to become the best versions of themselves; Spiritually, Mentally, Emotionally and Physically through our self-development Podcast, messages, marketing and positive vibes. Girl Vibes is targeted for girls age 13 to 18. GV will teach our tribe how to become more mindful of their thoughts and emotions, equip them to make better decisions. Choose better friends, discover strengths and skills, which enhance self-worth and leadership while creating a drive to reach their full potential. We foster an environment where girls feel welcome, supported and encouraged to be their “true” selves while leaving them with a road map they can use for the rest of their lives.
Girl Vibes
Who's On The Throne?
Become a part of our tribe and help us glorify His kingdom all around the world.
Freestyle, unedited, unscripted, raw, real...from the heart.
Faith or Fear? Faith opens the door to God, Fear opens the door to the enemy. God is not fear. God is love. God is peace.
How many times have you prayed for something that you really wanted, and you didn't feel that God was moving fast enough so you decided to take things into your own hands? You rushed the process; you decided you were the best person for the job, you tried to play God...what happened? Did it all crumble and fall?
That's my experience! I thought that I needed to take matters into my own hands because God's timeline was matching up with mine, and then suddenly I found myself in a huge mess. Wait on the Lord. Trust in Him. Step aside and allow Him to have His perfect way. He hears you, He knows your situation and He has the best plan at the best time. Surrender and have faith. It's the best life lesson I can share with you.
Be Bold. Be Brave. Be You.
Shine Your Light.