Girl Vibes

12 Causes of Curses

Michelle Season 7 Episode 10

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Freestyle, unedited, unscripted, raw, real...from the heart.

Did you know that we can speak and fulfill our own curses in our lives that can be passed down from generation to generation? 

There are things that we do and say that are damaging for years and years, sometimes these things are done and said through wickedness and hatred and others are done and said innocently, but nevertheless they can have a lasting impact on our lives and the lives that come behind us. 

But the good news is that we have the power to change it for ourselves and for future generations and that's powerful. Step one is awareness so listen as I speak of the 12 causes of curses and understand the impact you can have negatively or positively. 

Be Bold. Be Brave. Be You.

Shine Your Light.

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